Some building in Washington DC. It's just pretty, not related to Rust or AWS

AWS re:Invent 2023 announced the GA versions of the Rust and Kotlin SDKs. The SDK was in developer preview for sometime, and this release allows the use of it in production. Following is an introduction to the Rust SDK, its defaults, and a few detailed scenarios that are different from the default cases.

The working code for the following examples are in Github.

If you’re just coming across this post randomly and have no idea what an SDK (Software Development Kit) is, think of it as a library provided by the service provider for the specific programming language, so that you can interact with the service withhout having to write the code for that communication. It’s Boto3 for Python for AWS, but for Rust. The Rust SDK for AWS allows you to just use the SDK without having to write the code that handle API requests, throttling, custom endpoints, authentication, sigv4 and all that glory.

Rust SDK for AWS supports almost all the services and follows the same pattern as other language SDKs where sensible defaults out of the box help address 80% of the use cases. SDKs for different services are provided as separate crates. The SDK requires an async runtime since almost all major tasks done by the SDK are IO bound and can be improved with async execution. It can work with any runtime as long as a sleep function is provided by the runtime. For the following examples, I’m using the same runtime used in the standard AWS examples, tokio.

The example scenario for working with AWS in the following sections is going to be CloudTrail. We’ll try to

  1. list the Trails in the given region
  2. list the read_only=false management events in a tabular manner

Presentation part of the above goals (“tabular manner”) isn’t that important for the “AWS” part of the title, but why not make things pretty while we are at it.


The purpose of this post is to give a somewhat detailed introduction to the Rust AWS SDK. Teaching Rust or AWS are non-goals.

  1. Rust + Cargo + basic Rust knowledge
  2. basic AWS knowledge

Let’s create a sample project for this scenario.

cargo new aws-rust-helloworld --bin
cd aws-rust-helloworld

Set up

Before the SDK can be used, the dependencies have to be added to the project. This involves adding the common aws-config crate, the service specific aws-sdk-cloudtrail crate (or aws-sdk-<service> for any other service), and the async runtime tokio.

cargo add aws-config aws-sdk-cloudtrail tokio \
  --features aws-config/behavior-version-latest,aws-config/behavior-version-latest,tokio/full

Note that we specify behavior-version-latest feature for both aws-config and aws-sdk-cloudtrail crates as this would be needed for more customised scenarios than the default use case. Behavior version is a concept that helps the SDK to evolve without having to break API when AWS introduces changes to how API communication is done.

Note that the feature full is also enabled for tokio crate, as otherwise the async runtime will not be included.

The Cargo.toml entries will look something similar to the following.

aws-config = { version= "1.1.1", features = ["behavior-version-latest"] }
aws-sdk-cloudtrail = "1.9.0"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

Simple Client Scenario

For the first example, let’s initialise the client with credentials provided through environment variables. Afterwards, let’s invoke the operations needed to get the above two tasks done.

As the SDK operations are async, let’s define the main function as async and initialise tokio runtime. The return type from this function is going to be a std::result::Result enum with error type being aws_sdk_cloudtrail::Error, so it has to be imported to the context.

use aws_sdk_cloudtrail::Error;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

As the first step, let’s initialise the AWS client with configuration provided through environment variables. Environment variables are the same ones you’d be familiar with in any other language SDK or the AWS CLI. For authentication the following have to be provided.


Populate these with the temporary credentials obtained through STS or (less ideally) permanent credentials generated in IAM.

let shared_config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;

The function load_from_env() available in the aws-config crate goes through the default config lookup cycle (environment variables, config file locations etc) to determine the effective configuration for the AWS client context and returns the configuration struct of type aws_config::SdkConfig (to be precise, it returns a future that when executed will return the struct. All SDK operations return a future to be awaited on).

The struct creation in the above function load_from_env() configures the following details among others.

  1. async runtime sleep function
  2. region
  3. credentials
  4. retry and timeout config
  5. http client

All the configuration options contain sensible defaults that can be overridden with environment variables, config file entries, and others that are available through the default configuration chain.

How these defaults are configured can be overridden as well. We’ll explore a few use cases for this later in this post.

With this configuration struct, we can now build the specific client we want. For this, we need to import the appropriate Client implementation to the context.

use aws_sdk_cloudtrail::{Client, Error};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let shared_config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;
    let client = Client::new(&shared_config);

With the initialised client, let’s perform the first step of listing the existing Trails in the provided region.

use aws_sdk_cloudtrail::{Client, Error};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let shared_config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;
    let client = Client::new(&shared_config);

    let req = client.list_trails();
    let resp = req.send().await?;

    for trail in resp.trails() {


Compile and run this snippet in an authenticated AWS context to see the list of Trails in the configured region. Credentials can be set through environment variables.

cargo run

It’s as easy as that. This kind of environment variable based configuration covers most of the use cases. Let’s continue and get the second operation done.

use aws_sdk_cloudtrail::{
    types::{LookupAttribute, LookupAttributeKey},
    Client, Error,
    let read_only_attrib = LookupAttribute::builder()

    let lookup_events_req = client.lookup_events().lookup_attributes(read_only_attrib);
    let lookup_events_resp = lookup_events_req.send().await?;

The above code is the Rust equivalent of the following CLI command executed in an authenticated AWS context.

aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=ReadOnly,AttributeValue=false

Note the builder pattern used for building the lookup attribute for the operation. Builder pattern is used throughout the SDK to provide an easy API to override specific details with minimal code duplication.

Let’s display the returned results of a successful execution lookup_events_resp in a tabular manner.

    println!("|{:^30}|{:^35}|{:^20}|", "event_id", "username", "event_time");
    for event in {
        let event_name = event.event_name().unwrap();

        // some events do not contain a username
        let username = if event.username() != None {
        } else {

        let event_time = event
        let event_time_formatted = event_time.as_str();

        println!("|{:<30}|{:<35}|{:<20}|", event_name, username, event_time_formatted,);


This is a straightforward piece of code all things considered. The result of the lookup_events() function is a builder on which send() can be invoked to get a LookupEventsOutput struct. This contains a function called events that will return a vector of Event objects that we can iterate. The rest of the code is just formatting the details from an Event struct into the tabular format.

CloudTrail management events which are readonly=false

Simple Config Modification

Above example works with the default configuration, that can be found in the context and can be loaded from environment variables. However the Rust AWS ConfigLoader struct provides a builder API that allows overriding these configuration values at the initialisation if the requirement demands it. These include options such as region and profile and advanced configuration such as credentials providers.

Let’s consider a scenario where the region of the operations should be tied down to a particular value (ex: data sovereignity requirements involved?). Or provide a sensible default value in the code itself if the default configuration chain doesn’t provide a suitable value. In that case, we can go one step below the function used above load_from_env() and access the ConfigLoader struct and its functions.

use aws_config::meta::region::RegionProviderChain;
use aws_sdk_cloudtrail::{
    Client, Error,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let shared_config = aws_config::from_env()
        // hardcoding the region
    let client = Client::new(&shared_config);

Or for the second case of providing a fallback value,

use aws_config::meta::region::RegionProviderChain;
use aws_sdk_cloudtrail::{
    Client, Error,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let shared_config = aws_config::from_env()
        // hardcoding if the config isn't found in the default loading chain
    let client = Client::new(&shared_config);

In the above example, RegionProviderChain::default_provider() still tries to load a value from the default configuration chain. or_else() makes sure a fallback value is provided if it fails. This is a good way to work with sensible defaults that can be overridden.

Other than region, aws_config::meta::credentials::CredentialsProviderChain provides similar functionality for fallback credentials.

Providing Credentials in Alternative Ways

So far, we’ve been loading credentials from environment variables (or any other place in the default configuration chain). Credentials in environment variables is a generally good practice which decouples the code from the different environments it will go through. It is a generally safe pattern too. There is less of a chance of you committing the credentials with an AdministratorAccess policy to a public Github repository to be snatched the moment it’s available (you shouldn’t be working with AdministratorAccess in the first place, but let’s leave that for another post).

However there could be minor edge cases where you absolutely have to deviate from this pattern and manually load the credentials. Or the credentials you’re looking for live in an external secret store that needs to be queried at runtime before talking to AWS. In this case, the credential_provider of the ConfigLoader struct should be overridden before building the SdkConfig struct.

The structs and the associated functions for providing alternative credential providers are contained in a different crate named aws-credential-types. This dependency should be added for the following code snippets to work.

cargo add aws-credential-types

One way of providing credentials is to directly build a Credentials struct using the function from_keys(). This allows just hardcoding the credentials in the source code. This function is only available if aws-credential-types is added with hardcoded-credentials feature.

cargo add aws-credential-types --features hardcoded-credentials
use aws_credential_types::Credentials;
use aws_sdk_cloudtrail::{
    types::{LookupAttribute, LookupAttributeKey},
    Client, Error,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // IMPORTANT: demo only. DO NOT hardcode credentials!!!
    let credentials: Credentials = Credentials::from_keys("ACCESS_KEY", "SECRET_KEY", Some("SESSION_TOKEN".to_string()));
    let shared_config: Config = Config::builder()

    let client: Client = Client::from_conf(config);

Note that this example is shown because I can’t make up my mind to say “never” use it, although there’s about 99.99% chance that you shouldn’t use this function. Even the documentation for Credentials::from_keys() mentions that this function should be dropped in favor of the more secure Credential Provider approach. So, DO NOT use this example unless a world ending scenario forces you to do so.

Note that we started using the direct builder method instead of the wrapper from_env() here. This has a different effect than the from_env() wrapper where the default configuration chain is looked up. When using the builder() method, the defaults are what’s written in the SDK, and no looked up in the default configuration chain.

Writing a Custom Credentials Provider

A better way to implement a custom credential retrieval logic is to write a custom credentials provider. This is done in a few short steps.

  1. Define the struct that denotes the custom credentials provider
  2. Implement the logic that retrieves the credentials as an async function which returns a aws_credential_types::provider::Result.
  3. Implement the trait aws_credential_types::provider::ProvideCredentials for the struct, which is ultimately a single function provide_credentials() which returns a future that returns the credentials.

For this approach, the feature aws-credential-types/hardcoded-credentials is not needed.

use aws_credential_types::{
    provider::{self, future, ProvideCredentials,},

// create the type for the custom credentials provider
struct CustomCredentialsProvider;

// implement the async logic to generate/retrieve credentials (ex:) from a secret store
impl CustomCredentialsProvider {
    async fn load_credentials(&self) -> provider::Result {
        // IMPORTANT: demo only. DO NOT hardcode credentials!!!
        Ok(Credentials::new("ACCESS_KEY", "SECRET_KEY", Some("SESSION_TOKEN".to_string()), None, "CustomProvider"))

// implement ProvideCredentials and return a future for the credentials retrieval logic
impl ProvideCredentials for CustomCredentialsProvider {
    fn provide_credentials<'a>(&'a self) -> future::ProvideCredentials<'a> where Self: 'a {

Then use this as the Credentials Provider when building the config struct.

use aws_sdk_cloudtrail::{
    types::{LookupAttribute, LookupAttributeKey},
    Client, Error,
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let shared_config: Config = Config::builder()

    let client: Client = Client::from_conf(config);



Rust SDK for AWS is generated from the Smithy language definitions for the AWS API using smithy-rs. So reading the code itself, in rare cases, could be convoluted. AWS documentation on the SDK had been a bit behind, especially during the developer preview phase. However it looks like AWS has been filling the gaps quickly around the GA release. The perfect starting point is at the landing page with more details on different service related crates in each crate’s documentation.

The working code for the above examples are in Github.